Buck & Jo’s Diet Program: “The Leaner Side of Life”

Not willing to compromise standards or rights—that’s the Buck & Jo’s way. Now we’re taking that same no-nonsense attitude and applying it to something near and dear to all of us: your health. Introducing “The Leaner Side of Life”, Buck & Jo’s revolutionary diet program designed for real people with real lives (and real cravings).… Continue reading Buck & Jo’s Diet Program: “The Leaner Side of Life”

Segregation VS Buck & Jo’s

Brief History Of Attempted Segregation At Buck & Jo’s Round 1October 26, 2021: This is the first time HPPH came in since the segregation was announced. An armed OPP officer was there to “assist” the segregation officer then changed his mind to he was there for “security” when questioned. Round 2October 27, 2021: HPPH return… Continue reading Segregation VS Buck & Jo’s