Victim Fined $6,900 After HPPH Officer Chris Boyes Refused To Do Job
Primer: Brief History Of Attempted Segregation At Buck & Jo’s
Moments after Doug Ford announced that the vaccine passport system would eventually be put in place, a Buck & Jo’s declared it would not participate and would close instead of participating in segregation. A photo of a Canadian flag planted in the middle of their dining room went viral, along with a chair set aside for HPPH to do the vax-pass if they wished. These became symbols of hope during the apocalypse, some driving hours to get a photo.
On 05Nov HPPH rudely dropped off an order which clearly stated if the restaurant wanted to keep the dining room open they would have to start checking photo ID and personal health information of its customers starting 12Nov. Upon receiving the order the restaurant immediately locked its doors to avoid non-compliance, risk of fines and being thrown into the system which many believe is broken beyond repair. HPPH officers were rude, non responsive and stormed out in under 2 minutes after throwing the “order” at the owners.
The order clearly stated the restaurant had to check for vax-passes at the point of entry if the dining room was open. At the trial it was revealed there was an error in the order, and HPPH didn’t mean “point of entry” despite the clear wording in the order. When HPPH dropped the order off on the 5th, they were asked if HPPH would provide the manpower as the restaurant did not have the staff to comply with the order. HPPH refused to answer the question and stormed out.
Due to the hostile attitude of the HPPH officers and their abject refusal to answer questions, or explain the order, the restaurant locked their doors. HPPH was invited to attend Buck & Jo’s on the 12th of November to see if they would finally answer a question. The doors would be unlocked for a maximum of 2 hours, the dining room would still be closed, and Buck & Jo’s would not open their doors again until the following year when the vax-pass was no longer mandated.
HPPH showed up on the 12th, along with 50ish members of the Public to video record the incident and to say goodbye, as the restaurant would not open again until after the vax-pass mandate was over. The order dropped off stated the OPP would be accompanying the HPPH segregation officers. This triggered a “call for cameras” to protect the owners, and dozens from across the province rushed to Wingham.
On the 12th HPPH was asked if they would be sending any manpower, or providing any support or training for the vax-pass implementation, as they stormed out on the 5th without answering. Once it was confirmed they would be providing zero support or advice, Buck clearly announced the restaurant was closed, and HPPH officers left.
HPPH officers then reported back to their superiors that they had shut down Buck & Jo’s dining room. This is despite the fact it was already closed a week prior and advertised online it would not open again until there was no longer a mandate for the vax-pass. From day one Buck & Jo’s were clear they would lock their doors instead of being forced to participate in segregation.
Based on the lie from HPPH inspectors Patrick Landry and Chris Boyes, HPPH sent out a press release claiming they shut down Buck & Jo’s dining room.
At the start of the “trial” JP Leedy claimed Buck & Jo’ were innocent until proven guilty, and Gregory Stewart would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt they were guilty. Clearly empty words
The couple were charged with ‘failure to do the vax-pass while the dining room was open”. This meant the prosecution would have to prove the dining room was open for 10 minutes on the 12th of November, and the restaurant was not doing the vax-pass. Two highly trained government inspectors were there specifically to see if the dining room was open, and if they were doing the vax-pass. The two inspectors did not see anyone eating in the restaurant, and testified to that fact at the trial. They could not prove the dining room was open, because it wasn’t. The kitchen was closed, and the doors were only unlocked to allow the public to use the washroom, and grab a free drink to go.
The facts are clear, and it was proven in court that the restaurant did not have to do the vax-pass as the dining room was closed. The restaurant was closed a week before the requirement for the vax-pass came into effect. The dining room was closed on the 12th for the 10 minutes the doors were unlocked, and the restaurant did not open again until the vax-pass mandate was over. The restaurant was NEVER in a position where they were required to do the vax-pass inspections, and that was clearly proven in court. Notwithstanding the facts, the restaurant owner was fined $1,500 for failure to inspect vax-passes on the 12th of November.
On the 12th HPPH inspector Chris Boyes was invited into the restaurant to do his inspection, including checking the covid-19 safety plan again, but he refused to cooperate and do his job/inspection. There were no penalties for Chris Boyes’ dereliction of duty or lying to his superiors. Due to the “unprecedented pandemic” the persecution (Gregory Stewart) stated a message needs to be sent to everyone, and Buck & Jo’s should be made an example of. The restaurant owner was found guilty of failure to cooperate and fined $2,500. Buck was also fined $1,500 because Chris Boyes refused to enter the restaurant to view the covid-19 safety plan.
Most don’t understand why charges were pursued in the first place, and why Gregory Stewart got to make a small fortune persecuting the couple. NOTE: Susan Stewart signed off on the charges/issued the summons. It seems Susie and Greg make a very profitable team, just more proof the system is broken.
At the beginning of the verdict reading, Justice of the Peace F. Leddy wrongly convicted a number company, and had to quickly “suspend the sentence” to correct his flagrant incompetence. It seems the JP Leedy was not paying attention during the trial when both parties agreed to the fact the numbered company was not involved. This was mentioned numerous times during the 9 court dates. NOTE: JP Leddy took a month to review the trial transcript and to study the videos and was ignorant of that simple fact.
The couple is expected to appeal this decision and $5,500 fine. The numbered company is exploring how to get the erroneous convictions of the number company reversed/stricken from the record, and fix JP Leedy’s clear and admitted error.